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Our average client makes an additional $15,336 per year

More revenue. A Better Experience.

When working with Hands Off Hosts, you can expect:

Guaranteed rental income

Zero stress about getting your monthly payment. You get paid first, which will be market value of your home + an additional 10%.

No more maintenance calls

We cover general maintenance on the home. Replacement/repaired items include : refrigerator, air conditioner, water heater, stove, washing machine, dryer, etc.)

No worry of evictions

No more nightmare tenants. Our tenants are fully screened, and whatever happens in the home is 100% our responsibility.

On-site services

Having trouble finding a reliable lawn maintenance or pool cleaning company? We’ve got it covered. these expenses also comes out of our pocket! With our trusted network of service providers your home will be in good hands.

On-Demand Support

We know it’s stressful to leave your home in the hands of someone else. With our 24 hour customer support number we will always be one phone call away. With our noise monitors in the home, as well as cameras on the front and rear of your home, you can rest-assured that your home is being taken care of.

A Truly Hands Off Experience

You will never be contacted or bothered unless a major repair needs to be done (Air conditioner needs to be replaced, roof falls apart, etc.). We take care of everything up to a $300 deductible. If the damage is caused by our tenants then we will cover it 100%!